
医牛资讯原创 2017-08-15 胃气球减肥系统|FDA (4543)




ReShape Integrated Dual Balloon System(组合双气球系统),于2015年7月28日获得FDA批准。该疗法用于同时患有肥胖相关疾病,比如糖尿病、高血压、高血脂的患者。


ORBERA™ Intragastric Balloon System(ORBERA胃内气球系统),于2015年8月5日获得FDA批准。


Obalon Balloon System(减肥气球系统),于2016年9月8日获得FDA批准。

       死亡事故中,四起使用了ORBERA™ Intragastric Balloon System,一起使用了ReShape Integrated Dual Balloon System。FDA还接到两起死于气球减肥疗法的案子:一个胃穿孔(使用了ORBERA™ Intragastric Balloon System),一个食道穿孔(使用了ReShape Integrated Dual Balloon System)。


循证来源:FDA:"ReShape Integrated Dual Balloon System - P140012.""Obalon Balloon System - P160001.""The FDA alerts health care providers about potential risks with liquid-filled intragastric balloons.";  Aurora Pryor, M.D., professor, surgery, and director, Bariatric and Metabolic Weight Loss Center, Stony Brook University, N.Y.; Mitchell Roslin, M.D., chief, obesity surgery, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City; David Katz, M.D., M.P.H., director, Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, Derby, Conn., and president, American College of Lifestyle Medicine; Nov. 4, 2016, presentation, Obesity Week, New Orleans
