
医牛资讯原创 2017-12-25 姜黄 (5343)














       一般来说,不管你是进食还是涂抹,姜黄都是安全的。研究指出,一天1200毫克姜黄也不会有危险。美国亚利桑那大学综合医学中心综合医学联合主任 Ann Marie Chiasson说,每日最佳剂量是500毫克,一天两次






3 Biotech: "Curcumin nanoparticles: physico-chemical fabrication and its in vitro efficacy against human pathogens."

ABC10 News: "San Diego woman dead after turmeric IV infusion."

Alternative Medicine Review: "Anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin, a major constituent of Curcuma longa: a review of preclinical and clinical research."

Shrikant Anant, PhD, associate director, cancer prevention and control, University of Kansas Cancer Center

Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition: "Effect of different curcumin dosages on human gall bladder."

Ann Marie Chiasson, MD, co-director, Fellowship in Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice: "Effects of medicinal food plants on impaired glucose tolerance: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials."

Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy: "Multifaceted roles of curcumin: two sides of a coin!"

European Journal of Pharmacology: "Curcumin in depressive disorders: An overview of potential mechanisms, preclinical and clinical findings."

Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects, 2nd Edition: "Chapter 13: Turmeric, the Golden Spice."

Craig Hopp, PhD, deputy director, division of extramural research, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

Journal of Drug Metabolism & Toxicology: "Effect of curcumin on sulfasalazine pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers."

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry: "The essential medicinal chemistry of curcumin."

Journal of Medicinal Food: "Efficacy of turmeric extracts and curcumin for alleviating the symptoms of joint arthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials."

Materials, Science & Engineering: "Exploring recent developments to improve antioxidant, anti-inflammatory efficacy of curcumin: A review of new trends and future perspectives."

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: "Turmeric."

Oregon State University: "Curcumin."

Phytotherapy Research: "Effects of turmeric (curcuma longa) on skin health: A systematic review of the clinical evidence."

Statista: “Dollar sales of turmeric in the United States from 2014 to 2020.”

The AAPS Journal: “Curcumin and cancer cells: How many ways can curry kill tumor cells selectively?” "Therapeutic roles of curcumin: Lessons learned from clinical trials."

The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology: "Curcumin as potential therapeutic natural product: a nanobiotechnological perspective."

Arthritis Foundation: “Turmeric.”
