
医牛资讯原创 2017-02-09 免疫力|儿童|病菌 (2739)




  •        1. 母乳喂养是第一步:这是帮助孩子在最脆弱阶段建立强大的免疫系统的重要方法。通过母乳喂养可以将母亲体内的免疫力转移给孩子。(母乳中富含各种抗体)
  •        2. 接种疫苗:儿童阶段接种疫苗是一种有效防止孩子接触潜在危险的疾病的方法,例如百日咳、麻疹、腮腺炎、肝炎、水痘等都可以通过疫苗预防。接种疫苗也是让孩子体内多抗体。
  •        3. 为孩子提供健康饮食:父母需要确保给孩子提供足够的水果蔬菜,以确保膳食平衡。水果和蔬菜中富含免疫系统不可缺少的抗氧化剂,维生素和矿物质。
  •        4. 充足的睡眠时间:如果孩子得不到足够的休息,那他的身体将失去自然防御机制,在疾病恢复期往往需要更长时间。
  •        5. 体育活动很重要:充足的运动能够促进血液循环,有助于心脏和肺的工作,提高免疫能力。
  •        6. 教孩子良好的卫生知识:教导孩子养成饭前饭后勤洗手,打喷嚏或咳嗽时掩盖口鼻等简单的小习惯。
  •        7. 保护孩子免受二手烟干扰:就像其他任何过敏原一样,二手烟将会不利于孩子的免疫力。经常暴露于二手烟环境下的孩子往往会发展成呼吸道感染。
  •        8. 避免过度使用抗生素:药物的过度使用可能会让细菌产生抗性,因此最好的方式是让身体自身“打败”病毒性疾病。
  • 循证来源:
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, HealthyChidlren.org. Children and Colds. November 2010. 

    Mayo Clinic. Common Cold in Babies. October 2010. 

    Mayo Clinic, Respiratory Syncytial Virus. July 2009.

    Nemours Foundation. Common Cold. December 2009. 

    American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Is Your Cold Really Allergies? 

    Mayo Clinic. Influenza (Flu). August 2010. 

    Mayo Clinic. Common Cold in Babies. October 2010.

    American Lung Association. Cold and Flu Guidelines. 

    Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford. Upper Respiratory Infection (URI, or Common Cold). 

    Nafstad P, et al. Day care centers and respiratory health. Pediatrics. Vol 103 No 4 April 1999, pp. 753-758.

    Palo Alto Medical Foundation. Your Child at Two to Four Weeks. 

    American Academy of Family Physicians, FamilyDoctor.org. Fever in Infants and Children. Updated September 2010. 

    Nemours Foundation. Middle Ear Infections. June 2008. 

    AskDrSears.com. How Human Milk Protects from Illness. 

    La Leche League. Can Breastfeeding Prevent Illnesses? 

    Centers for Disease Control. Key Facts about Seasonal Flu Vaccine. October 2010. 

    Food and Drug Administration. Public Health Advisory: Nonprescription Cough and Cold Medicine Use in Children. January 2008. 

    American Academy of Pediatrics. When Your Infant or Child Has a Fever. March 2008. 

    American Academy of Pediatrics. Fever Without Fear. 

    Centers for Disease Control. Influenza Vaccination: A Summary for Clinicians. July 2008.

    Food and Drug Administration. FDA recommends that OTC cough and cold products not be used for infants and children under 2. April 2009. 

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